深圳全自动滚金边机厂家 全自动书本滚金边机 功能及特点 1、 本机是以进口技术为基础、结合本公司多年生产辘金边机设备之经验研发出来的一款全自动书本滚金边设备。具有自动化程度高,操作简单,辘金边效果好,速度快等特点。 2、 本机组采用轨道循环输送书本以及皮带传递方式生产,集书本打磨、除尘、涂胶、滚金边一体化流水式作业,全程自动化生产。 3、 本机组配有全自动书本圆角烫金机,能同步烫印书本圆角(自动切圆角、自动打磨、自动烫金)。 The Description of Full-automatic Edge Gilding Machine 1. This is a new full-automatic edge gilding machine developed by introducing internationally leading technologies, in combination of experiences of many years in manufacturing, having the features of highly automated, easily operated, good edging and fast speed etc. 2. The machine adopts the recursive track and belts to carry books to gild edges, integrating books polish, dusting, gluing and edge gilding all automatic operation. 3. The machine is equipped full-automatic books fillet gilding machine, which can gild and fillet books synchronously (automatically fillet, polish and gild). ● 把待烫印的书本纸张边缘磨至平滑,以备配合其后烫印工艺达到较佳效果. ● 采用PLC及变频器控制.有自动上升自动平磨和手动上升型自动平磨两款规格. ● 磨平速度快,光洁度较高,是制作书本烫金边优质效果的保证. 技术参数 ●型号:----------------------------------------PG-1 Model --------------------------------------PG-1 ●工作速度:-----------------------------------约10分钟磨平三面 Working Speed -------- 深圳市大唐何氏机械设备有限公司|||深圳全自动滚金边机厂家